A Command is Still A Command

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It has been argued that the command to gather for worship in Hebrews 10:25 is not really a command at all, but something of a suggestion that can be set aside for something more important, say, the civil authority’s desire to end in-person worship. So to proclaim as the Apostles, “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29) is not really appropriate since God does not here, nor anywhere else, actually command assembled worship.

Or so goes the argument.

But in Hebrews there is a verb form called hortatory subjunctive, a participle of means. It is used repeatedly as a command, often in a form that reads, “let us . . .” These statements are not options, but actual commands. See 4:1; 4:11; 4:14, 4:16; 6:1; 10:22; 10:23; 12:1; 12:28; 13:15; and 13:15. These are clearly commands, carrying the same weight as imperatives.

Therefore, the command to meet together is contained here:

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24–25, ESV)

If meeting together is not a command, then neither is the first part of the sentence, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” God in Hebrews is commanding the stirring up of love and good works, which includes gathering together. It is unimaginable that this can be seen as anything but an actual command.

Some members of the wider Evangelical church in Canada argued that the civil government has authority over the church in the matter of gathering together. This was widely disseminated through the Gospel Coalition Canada, but other churches, denominations, and fellowships had their own version. Placing an impossible interpretation of Romans 13 ahead of God’s command to assemble, they surrendered to the state in this matter.

Jesus said, “the gates of Hell will not prevail” against His church (Matthew 16:18). But it seems the gates of Hell are doing just fine. lately. Perhaps it is because the church is not pressing the attack!

It would be far simpler for the Canadian church to simply confess the sin of disbanding than to go through the mental gymnastics necessary to make the commands of God into suggestions. We are facing this again soon—this time let’s get it right.

Trust the Shadow People!

Trust the Shadow People!

The day after Labour Day in Canada, millions of children will return to school at publicly funded schools (including separate schools). There they are handed off to teachers who have created brightly lit classrooms that have interesting themes and back-to-school paraphernalia on the walls.

The parents will meet, at the most, the teacher, an assistant, and perhaps a principal will greet them at the door.

Parents will not meet the many administrators, counsellors, policy writers, curriculum experts, and others who create the policies that the elected board members rubber stamp in a meeting. It is never made known to the public the amount of debate over sensitive issues in the curriculum, but it appears there is very little. Policy is written by bureaucrats, by experts. These know better than parents what is good for their children.

These are the Shadow People.

They are in the shadows, hidden, unknown, and beyond critique. You don’t know their names, their values, their faith, or their goals for your children. You know nothing about them, but they will determine what your child learns for 6 hours every day, all through the school year. This is not only about the classroom curriculum, but the shadow people determine who and what are celebrated, when, and how, they will determine what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. They will decide what is right and wrong and truth and error. The Shadow People are the standard by which everything is measured.

It is now no secret that the Shadow People have all rights to your children’s mind, body, and soul, and parents have none. For example, it is now school board policy in Hamilton that children’s gender preferences be respected by the board and this without notifying parents. Parents will not be notified if a boy chooses to use the girls’ changeroom. Children who complain will be marked as troublemakers and will be punished. Parents cannot opt out of this.

It is legal for school personnel to encourage gender exploration, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, and all shades therein. It is board policy that homes are “not safe” for children who question their parents’ values, and so it is appropriate to counsel the child without the parents’ knowledge. But it is against the law in Canada for teachers or parents to discourage this behaviour or to offer counselling that would help a child leave such lives.

Everything in the Hamilton-Wentworth School Board is stacked against the child, parent, the family, and the Christian faith.

Everything can be done in secret, in the shadows.

And you, the parent, are told, “Trust the Shadow People.”