Fifteen Years On

Fifteen years after 911, and our local media outlets and politicians can only be concerned with how hard done by is the Islamic community. Shortly after 911, some local fools attempted (and failed) to firebomb a mosque, and then succeeded to burn down a Hindu temple, not knowing the difference. Today, after thousands of deaths at the hands of Islam-inspired terror, our concern is about how an Imam felt on that day.

A local radio personality asked, “Is Hamilton a more inclusive place today?” I sent a message (to no reply), “Is Islam more inclusive today? Why are there no Christians in Saudi Arabia? Why are Christians being massacred in Islamic lands? Why Christians have so little freedom in countries with Muslim majorities?”

Geert Wilders, a Dutch parliamentarian, released this video that has been banned in many markets, but so far the internet is still a free enough place.

A discussion about terrorism cannot leave out the greatest source of modern terrorism: Islam. It is widely claimed that the “Religion of Peace” has been taken over by radicals. But what if this is  the religion of peace?

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