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Keeping the Porch Light on in a Dark World
Answering Muslims: Bare Naked Islam Blog Removed by WordPress
via Answering Muslims: Bare Naked Islam Blog Removed by WordPress.
Where has critical appreciation gone? – Reformation21
From Jesse’s old stump a shoot will spring out:
like fruit from the root, a new branch will sprout.
God’s Spirit will bless him with wisdom and might,
and awe for the LORD shall provide his delight.
He never shall judge by hearsay or sight.
His justice protects the poor in their plight.
The breath of his mouth stops the ruthless and cruel:
trustworthy, sure mercy shall clothe his new rule.
Then wolf with the lamb, the lion and calf,
the leopard with goat, shall gambol and laugh:
together the heifers and bears shall be guests,
and babies shall play near old poisonous nests.
Since knowledge of God shall cover the earth,
no creature shall hurt, destroy what has wroth.
The nations shall seek him: their warfare shall cease,
and Jesse’s new fruit shall bring glorious peace!
Tune: Gabriel’s Message (Basque carol, adapted by Edgar Pettmann)