Our Leaders Want Us Dead.

[insert leader’s photo here]

It should be clear by now that experts do not agree regarding the safety or efficacy of the mRNA vaccine. There are credentialed, qualified, experienced medical professionals and scientists on both sides of this debate.

Most reading this are medical/scientific laymen. We may not necessarily have the education to argue well against an expert. Critical thinking skills, however, are invaluable in sorting this out. This is not an anti-vaccine article. I will not be lining up facts from one side and compare them to another view. Others have done this very well. The information is still available, despite desperate efforts to stifle.

I would argue that Christians are equipped to choose sides in this debate. If you are reading this and think, “Ok, here goes another anti-vaxxer,” please hear me out. What I intend to do here is to sidestep that debate for a moment and lay an ax to the root.

Consider who employs the experts. In Canada, we have a healthcare system that is controlled by the provincial governments. Federally there are mandated standards, but there is a lot of room within each province as to what is covered in their health plan and what is not. Ontario’s health plan (OHIP) has been on shaky ground long before the Covid-19 epidemic and was nearly ruined by long-term Liberal misadventures under McGuinty and Wynne.

What does this have to do with expertise regarding Covid-19? The expert split on this matter is largely along the lines of who employs the experts.

We need to look with a critical eye on the nature of our provincial government, and I do not think the following applies only to Ontario, but to Canada as a whole.

[disclaimer: I believe that God has ordained civil government as a good and just entity. See Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17]

Your elected leaders hate you and see you as a host, upon which they may feed. No matter which party is in power, or waiting in the wings to take power, you, the individual, exist only to pay taxes and to otherwise support their power.

You are a host, and the current governments in Canada, are parasites. They feed on you, and if you should resist that arrangement, you can be eliminated. Consider just a few examples:

  1. Your leaders want you dead: Canada and Ontario is pro-death for anyone who cannot contribute. It is legal and good in their eyes that a child can be vacuumed out of her mother’s womb up until the time of birth. It can be shredded alive. Abortion is so important to Canada that foreign aid to needy countries can only be granted if those countries agree to provide abortions to their citizens. Sex-selective abortions are legal in Canada, so a family that isn’t happy with a girl, they can abort the child until a son is conceived. Canada loves death. No society that loves death to this extent can have your best interests at heart. You are next.

    We need to face the fact that we are a nation of barbarians on this point alone. You must participate because your taxes pay for this. This is enough to arouse the wrath of God, which can be seen in the moral chaos that has descended upon us.

  2. Your leaders want you dead: If you are born alive, but severely disabled or become so, or merely become elderly, euthanasia is offered as healthcare. This means that you will be given “MAID,” (Medical Assistance In Dying) often as an only option. Once rare, it is now routine. As people live longer, their healthcare is more costly. You cost money! It doesn’t matter how long you paid taxes, you need to get out of the way. You pay for this.


    Do you yet see the trend here that is against life, and not for life?

    There’s more:

  3. Your leaders want you sterile: Civil government in Canada has placed its power behind the transgender movement to the point that children are being sterilized against their parent’s wishes, and parents who object are even jailed. Hormone treatment and physical mutilations that are irreversible will leave its victims without the ability to conceive and bear children and make them dependent on health care for the rest of their lives. Your leaders finance sterility and mutilation with your taxes in the name of health and science. There is no valid science behind the trans movement, but our leaders protect and enforce it by enacting severe penalties against those who do not acquiesce to it.

Just three examples here, abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism, but there are others.

As a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Canada and Ontario have employed a small army of scientists and medical professionals (the Science Table). These professionals are the team of experts that are essential to the governments, and lend respectability and authority to the lockdowns and to the shuttering of the economy.

In doing so, these experts have aligned themselves with a government that is clearly against life, against people, and against human thriving. This group is blind and deaf to the suffering they have caused, as is our Prime Minister and Premier. Remember, our government truly does not see the common person as anything but a host upon which they may feed. For all the endless chatter about “keeping you safe,” they care only about their own power. Neglect this fact at your peril.

The media is a whore, accepting financial bribes to repeat the message of fear and compliance. The contradictions that have been clearly evident over the past 18 months are ignored because it is very important to the powerful that the average citizen be blind and deaf to them.

Thousands of jobs have been lost, medical procedures have been canceled or postponed (often with fatal consequences), substance abuse, suicides, domestic violence, and mental illness have increased, all to keep us feeling safe.

The credentialed have argued for the lockdowns, and, being intoxicated by their power, have rented out their expertise to the highest bidder. They are the prostitutes disguised as scientists who, along with their employer, hate human life.

Should we listen to a scientist who is comfortable working for a government that kills over 270 unborn children a day? Should we listen to a scientist who is not fighting this injustice with every professional skill at their disposal? Should we obey the mandates of those who insist we pay for the death of others? Should we give credence to a scientist who is comfortable with sterilizing children?

There is a moral dimension to the scientific enterprise, and the experts who have sold themselves to rottenness are immoral. They have blinded themselves to the truth they suppress (Romans 1:18).

It may be easier to accept that many, if not most, in political power are depraved, degenerate, and lost. We’ve come to accept the dishonesty that accompanies modern politics. But medical professionals have long been placed on a pedestal in popular thinking, actually idolized so that many will accept statements such as, “the science is settled,” “follow the science,” “listen to the experts,” or “the experts have said.” We have, however, collectively forgotten two things:

1) science, by its very nature, is never settled (at least in the form used by those who would censor all dissenting opinions), and

2) scientists are human, and therefore Romans 3 applies not only to their political employers, but to them:

What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” “Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.” (Romans 3:9–20, ESV)

Our historical amnesia has permitted us to forget the role of science and medicine in the 1930s and 40s. Some scientists truly seek human good, but not all do. All scientists are sinners too, and this will obviously cloud their judgement. They have and will use their science for evil ends. This has nothing to do with the qualifications of the scientist. We are fools to forget this.

Without the cooperation of the scientific community, civil government could not force the destruction of human livelihoods and enforce the life that now lies before us.

Canadians have naively accepted the notion that our civic leaders care about us. They do not. It is because God’s law does not prevail that they have become a law unto themselves, and God will give them over to confusion (Romans 1). Christians need to apply the doctrines of Original Sin and Total Depravity to experts and authorities.  When experts, authorities, and media work in unity against God’s authority, it is essential for Christians to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).

The modern church in Canada has largely ignored the medical and scientific authorities from their susceptibility to the effects of sin in their work and has set herself against Christ’s authority. This has created an idol of expertise.

Speaking only to Christians here, why are you giving heed to an outfit that wants to suck you dry then dispose of your husk? Why do you think leaders who will torture an unborn child to death or snuff out the life of a weak or elderly person will tell you the truth about a vaccine? I don’t know the hearts of those experts who oppose the vaccine or are even cautious about it. They too are sinners. But I do know that they have not aligned themselves with the depraved trinity of the modern government, media, and experts of death.

Knowing their love of death, how can you trust leaders to hold our best interests?

Fear for This Man

Fear for this man, but do not fear him.

Politicians are always talking, writing, communicating and making news in one way or another, and it is easy sometimes to ignore them as one would any background noise. But sometimes a person in the public eye utters a phrase that makes you stop, think, and shudder. That moment came for me when Justin Trudeau complained that the US was backsliding on abortion rights. It caught me off-guard, because the word, backslide is so Christian, so religious, even Evangelical. It is the language of serious preachers calling the wayward to repentance. It is a perfectly good word for its purpose: it is a call to revival! The fact that Prime Minister Trudeau used it not only once, but again prior to meeting with the US Vice President, betrays a religious fervour in his support of the right to abort. The dogmatism of the Prime Minister and his party is clear: abortion is a Charter right (even though not contained in the charter). In Canada, there is no law regarding abortion. So legally, abortion can occur at any time up to the point of birth. Canada is now only outdone by some jurisdictions in the US where post-birth infanticide (it can’t really be called abortion after birth). The right to terminate a child’s life functions as a sacrament of secularism (Doug Wilson makes this abundantly clear in this podcast from the Ezra Institute). One’s position on abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide is in fact a salvation issue. It is a sin (murder) and 1) sin breaks God’s Law and places us under His judgement (Romans 3) and 2) advocating for that sin is open rebellion against God (Romans 1:18-32). For the purposes of this article, I propose that one cannot be a Christian and support or encourage abortion. To support sin is to live in sin and to be excluded from the Kingdom of God (1 John 3:4 & 1 Corinthians 5:1).

But it isn’t my point to prove the horrendous nature of abortion in this article, or even how it functions as a human sacrifice for secular gods. That it is a form of execution of innocent human life, sometimes by cruel torture, is well-documented for those who are willing to look at it critically and objectively. The frantic, bizarre and uncontrolled emotions directed toward anyone who would even suggest an abortion limit is the stuff of daily news.

My point here is something else: I fear for this man. He is not ready to die. When a man’s heart is hardened to the extent that he feels he must use the language of religious revival to enforce his point, he is near the point of being forever lost. Hell awaits, whether he lives another year or forty more years. He is not ready.

The sudden death of the young (37), progressive, Christian and abortion advocate Rachel Held Evans on May 4th of this year has made me sensitive to this heart-matter. She always claimed that she opposed abortion but rejected any limits on it whatsoever. If this was her heart, she was not ready to die.

There are times in human history where something so momentous, so sweeping is on the horizon, that those who believe they are in control of history are blind to how they are merely a part of the history of God’s making.

An event like this one occurred in the week leading up to the crucifixion:

47 So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council and said, “What are we to do? For this man performs many signs. 48 If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” 49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all. 50 Nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.” 51 He did not say this of his own accord, but being the high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, 52 and not for the nation only, but also to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad. 53 So from that day on they made plans to put him to death. John 11:47-53

14 It was Caiaphas who had advised the Jews that it would be expedient that one man should die for the people. John 18:14 (ESV)

Caiaphas was as opposed to Christ as any man who ever lived. Having witnessed His miracles and hearing His teachings, His mastery of the Scriptures, his heart hardened beyond His ability to understand what he said. Here was an evil man who spoke the absolute truth and had no idea of the actual meaning of his own words. He spoke thus be God demanded it of him in his office of the high priest.

As important as the current debate over abortion will prove to be in our time, it does not compare to what Caiaphas said of Christ; but it does point up the fact that Christ, from the cross, said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34 (ESV). The men responsible for the death of Jesus were not ready to die. God withheld His wrath from Jerusalem for another forty years.

Some men and women act as though they are gods, and Christians need to be wary of them. But Christians also need to remember that Caiaphas served at the pleasure of God, and not a minute longer. Likewise, no prime minister, president, governor or government will rule longer than God permits. We can say with confidence that Justin Trudeau, with his heart so hard, is Prime Minister by God’s permission. That being true, we must fear for him, but not fear him, for we fear the Lord.

He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; — Daniel 2:21a (ESV)

We do not need the permission of man to advocate the life of the unborn, disabled, ill, or elderly. We need only to remember that “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)

Our fear must be for the lives of those who are unready for judgement. It is the fear we might have if we watched a man carelessly backing onto a precipice, unaware of his fate. Unless something changes, he is doomed.

Prolife Smashmouth Incrementalism

[Scott’s note: this interview was given before the Alabama Pro-life law was signed by the governor.]

Doug Wilson recently visited the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity and was interviewed by Ryan Eras of the Institute. in this podcast, Wilson outlines what is at stake in the abortion debate, and how important it is for Christians to get their terminology, categories, and above all, their God right. You might be surprised that abortion is the “epicentre” of the culture wars, and is the blood sacrifice of secular democracy.

Download the full interview here.