On Giving Up in the Culture Wars: Nope.

The term “culture wars” is an embarrassment to the pietists in the Evangelical camp (a very large number). As long as the numbers are up, please read your Bibles, pray, and above all, don’t call down shame upon sin, especially sin such as this:



disposable human


James 2:14–26 (ESV)

14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! 20 Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. 24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

There must be more than calling this sin–but calling this sinful and an abomination cannot be avoided.. Strong rescue and saving measures must be taken, illegally if need be. Laws must be promoted and passed. Politicians who support abortion must be singled out, be they fiscal conservative or liberal. The Christian view of life must again be imposed upon those who have thrown off the yoke of God’s Law, if this is the Father’s world. He has never abdicated His rule. Personal salvation is a promise, but not the only reason that God takes interest in His creation.

Denying the reality and necessity of a “culture war” (spiritual war, actually) is a naïveté beneath the thinking Christian.

Article about this photo here.

Blogging the Revised Ontario Sex-Education Curriculum: 9 Cultural Shifts since WWII.


Nine major cultural shifts have been forced upon Christian families since World War II. This list is not complete, and certainly these did not simply arise in the mid-20th century. The philosophies and worldviews that fostered these are much older. See these articles on Cultural MarxismPart 2 is here. When we hear the words, “Social Justice,” we are, more times than not, hearing the words of Karl Marx.

  1. Delayed marriage: Delaying marriage until husband and wife both have established careers and have become financially stable, increases the risk of sexual activity outside of marriage. Parents of couple should find ways to support younger marriages, while the husband continues to learn, apprentice, or establish work. Excellent resources here.
  2. No-fault divorce: An increase in the divorce rate has brought about family destabilization, and increase in child poverty. This child poverty has become a problem of the state.
  3. The removal of charity and compassion to the state: Welfare entitlements, social safety nets, income security, government-only control of health care spending has increased the size of the state and reduced the family. It has created a generation that cannot function without support from other taxpayers.
  4. The decriminalization of adultery, fornication, pornography and sodomy as led to a loss of shame and a normalisation of sexual sin
  5. Legalisation of abortion has led to a decrease in overall population in nearly every industrialised nation, setting these nations under the judgement of God. Taxpayers unwillingly must pay for abortions.
  6. Loss of parental rights and authority: State intervention into family life through court-ordered custody, unaccountable Children’s Aid Societies, and state control of adoption agencies.
  7. Compulsory state-funded Public school: This is the industrial revolution applied to the family. Education is removed from the parents as first educators and the church as an educational resource. The Liberal government of Ontario unjustly removed tax-credits for parents who paid tuition to private schools.
  8. Homosexuality and transgenderism: The mandatory acceptance and normalisation of what is to be pitied, repented of, and avoided.
  9. The rejection of Triune God as Lord of the land, and the rejection of the Bible as His Word. Taking prayers and Christian instruction out of public schools did not cause these problems, but are a result of them.

Blogging the Revised Ontario Sex-Education Curriculum: 12 things you must know

Many parents are shocked to learn what has been happening in their children’s schools. This situation, however, was many years in coming. Scott Masson has a very good video here.

My purpose in this entry is to simply make 12 concise statements about the Government of Ontario and its view of you and your children. Once you know these things, you may plan accordingly.

  1. The Government of Ontario does not see your children as really yours. The children you birthed or adopted belong to the state, which determines what is best for your children in health, education, and their general welfare. At best, parents are seen as “co-parents” with the state.
  2. The Government of Ontario determines what is fact and truth in matters of sexuality.
  3. The Government of Ontario will state that their view of sexuality is based upon scientific fact. This is not true. It is based on a collection of theories that express the strong desires of a few people.
  4. It has been decided that homosexuality and transgenderism, and the vast varieties of experience brought for by these orientations, are as normal and correct and right and true as heterosexuality.
  5. The actions of non-heterosexuality good, even if it includes what has been for years considered sodomy.
  6. These orientations and behaviours are not to be avoided, cured, treated, pitied, or restricted; rather, they are to be embraced and accepted as fully as heterosexuality.
  7. Children must decide for themselves what is right, and parents, religion or tradition may or may not be a part of this decision.
  8. Non-heterosexual orientation may occur at any time in a person’s lifetime, including the preschool age.
  9. Gender is not sex. The sex you were born with is not necessarily your gender. This is called “gender fluidity.” Your child’s gender may be “fluid,” and you as a parent have no right to interfere with it.
  10. When your religious views contradict those of the government, which will occur most often in school, your religious views must yield to those of the government.
  11. Historically, the family is the place of nurture and education, health and wellbeing. The state sees the schools and other state institutions as superior to the family. The state sees the traditional family is a its competitor. This curriculum is a part of the Government of Ontario’s attempt to effectively destroy the traditional family.
  12. Individuals do not have rights, only groups have rights, and those groups must be approved by the state. You, your child, and your family have value only as they contribute to society, and society that is worthy is determined by the state.
