Blogging the Revised Ontario Sex-Education Curriculum 4: "It's too heavy, Pappa!"

One of the criticisms leveled against the Revised Ontario Sex-Education Curriculum is that it is age-inappropriate. If understood, however, that the plan is to make transgenderism and homosexuality normative, it becomes clear that younger is much better. It is much harder to unlearn what has been taught at early ages, and this is why such material is delayed until High School.

Corrie Ten Boom is well known among Christians as a Dutch woman, who, along with her immediate family was imprisoned for sheltering Jews during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. They were betrayed and sent to concentration camps. I believe that only Corrie survived to tell the tale, and she lived to old age.

She is the Corrie in the article excerpt below. Although this was written in 2013 about the US president Obama and his Attorney General, ,Eric Holder, the principles of the destruction of childhood apply to Ontario today. Please take the time to read the whole article here.

“Corrie Ten Boom, in her autobiographical The Hiding Place, relays the story of when she, still a young girl and traveling with her father, asked him what sex was. He told her to try to lift his packed luggage bag. She couldn’t. He said he would be a cruel father if he made her carry this heavy bag. Just like that bag was too heavy for her, the knowledge of which she was inquiring was too heavy. But when she grew stronger and more mature, she could bear it. It was a timely metaphor from a very wise father, and quite to the point. Sexual knowledge is too glorious for a young child to bear. Every good parent understands this implicitly. It is not a mere social construct that makes parents uneasy when their children begin to inquire into this more glorious knowledge before they are ready to bear it. And when a child learns of it prematurely, it tends to twist and pervert her just like a heavy object would twist a young tree growing under the weight.

Understanding the nature of glory in this way, especially is it pertains to human sexuality, exposes the cruel agenda of sex-education in our government schools. The Enemy would crush our children with the weight of sexual glory in the hopes of perverting them and even robbing them of that very glory. Given the statistics of divorce, unmarrieds and abortions since the advent of sexual “liberation,” the scheme seems to have worked nicely. Satan is not so much interested in attacking the family generally as He is in crushing the woman (man’s glory) and the fruit of her womb. He has always targeted the womb, lest the woman be saved through childbearing.”

Corrie Ten Boom risked her life to save Jews from the Nazis
Corrie Ten Boom risked her life to save Jews from the Nazis


When the oneness of all religions is promoted, what is really being argued for is the none-ness of all religion.