I wonder why atheism is now called “the new atheism.” Is there new evidence, or might it be that the old atheism is simply a failure? When you attempt to prove the existence of non-existnece, the burden of proof gets pretty demanding.
I think it’s a whistle-in-the-dark kind of marketing scheme. Sells books, anyway.
I think the only thing “new” about “new atheism” is that they are the most recent round of outspoken members. Also, I think you may be a bit confused, atheists don’t try and prove the non-existence of god, they simply don’t make claims about his/her existence.
Maybe that’s supposed to be the “new” part, but most I hear from are making all kinds of assertions affirming the non-existence of God. If an atheist made no such assertion, we would not know of THEIR existence as an atheist! “A-theism” etymologically means, at the least, “no god.”
Yes, I understand and I am not trying to adulterize the term, but a-theist, (in my opinion) is just an orientation in reference to people in the world who are theists. So as I understand it, very few atheists, make the bold claim of “their is no god.” Depending on how the terms are used I suppose atheist-agnostic, but I do think that you would agree that the term (whatever we use) a-theist is a useful one to have in a society that is comprised of 85% theists.
“I cannot satisfactorily convince myself there is a *noteworthy* difference between disbelieving all Gods and believing there is no God. Trying to establish a difference is to accept the unpopular condition of being a fence-sitter. Why pussyfoot around what you believe in?” – http://amrestorative.wordpress.com/2012/12/07/burden_of_proof/
I recognise that there is a difference, between rejecting claims of God and asserting that there is no God. One does not have to make such a positive assertion to be an atheist, but I think most atheists do claim that there is no God. Therefore both parties–atheist and theist–carry a burden of proof. I argue in my article referenced above that atheists have already sufficiently met the burden of proof–a stretch perhaps.
I think new atheism represents a change from closet atheism to unashamed & vocal atheism.
“I wonder why atheism is now called “the new atheism.””
No idea. Some use it to sell books. And some religious believers use the term.
I’m just an atheist, not a new one.