People Are Changing Churches. Should I?

I recently reposted an article by David Fitch on church cannibalism, that is, how churches often grow at the expense of others. That article may be found here.

Before you think moving on is a good idea, have a look at this by Thom Rainer. One of the problems in transfer growth (church growth by the movement of Christians from one church to another) is that it is often for less-than-good reasons. Before leaving, ask yourself, “Am I seeking to serve or to be served? Do I need more recognition for my service? Am I leaving because the doctrine is sub-Biblical, or because the music is better, or because the experience is just so . . . uplifting?”

Preachers and church leaders, “Am I asking the right questions of those moving to my church?” Are people coming to your church simply because you offer more programs? Have you ever asked Christians to return to their congregation to be effective servants there? Have you ever actively recruited members (or even ministry leaders) from other congregations? Have you calculated the impact of that action upon the church that loses those workers? Have you sought to replace them?

Just some questions.


How Churches Became Cruise Ships

Passengers no longer board a ship to get from one port to another–that form of transportation has been eclipsed by air travel. But millions do board ships every year as a destination, a vacation at sea, and return to the same port from which they began. In a series of well written posts, Skye Jethani chronicles the rise of the megachurch and its implications for the faith.

“The church-as-destination model hasn’t advanced the church in America, it has consolidated it.Comparing changes in passenger shipping, to church growth.”

There is no neutrality in technology, or method. Every decision we make to do one thing results in a decision not to do another. When Christians embrace a new model of ministry, it is the unintended consequences that are often overlooked.

Read part 1 here.

Part 2 here.

Part 3 here.

What If We've Been Doing It All Wrong?

What if our entire approach to youth in the church has been in error for over 200 years? That is, most churches, large and small, have neglected to form faith in the young, by assuming it could be done better by others.

Before all the “Fall Kickoffs” get kicked, perhaps it’s time to rethink our approach to bringing up young Christians.

(If you’re like me, you don’t want to be glued to a screen for an hour video–this one works really well if you just turn it on, and listen–hard)